All Things Cannabis

Trouble Sleeping? Manage It with CANNABIS-1

Cannabis and insomnia

Cannabis helps insomnia and other sleep problems. The cannabis plant has been used for centuries as a sleep aid. Contemporary scientific research has measured what people have known and experienced since ancient times: cannabis has relaxing and sedative effects. In particular, cannabis makes falling asleep easier.

Stress and Anxiety

As far as causes go, the usual culprits like stress and anxiety are usually to blame. In some cases, depression, pain and even certain medication could be causing you to lose countless hours of sleep.

Insomnia leaves us feeling like we have to face each new day with fatigue, low energy, and generalized anxiety. Failing to get a good night’s rest can have a negative effect on your mental and physical health.

The best cannabis strains for managing anxiety and stress

As mentioned in Strain Insider’s previous coverage, terpenes play a huge role in determining the effects of a particular cannabis strain.

For the purposes of this article, however, the primary terpenes that readers need to be aware of are limonene, caryophyllene and myrcene. These are the technical terms for citrus, pepper and hoppy flavours, respectively. Indeed many of these scents can be found outside of the world of cannabis.

Along with terpenes, users should also be aware of other characteristics, including the differences between Sativa and Indica, or the balance between THC and CBD.

CBD-heavy strains are traditionally more relaxing than their THC counterparts. The following list takes into consideration all of these components, but due to the diversity of reactions among users, this list is by no means exhaustive. Everyone has a preferred strain, and safely experimenting with different strains is the best way to identify yours.

The top seven cannabis strains for managing stress and anxiety are White Widow, Granddaddy Purple, Jack Herer, Roots Beer Float, Maple Kush, Starwalker Kush and Pink kush.

Trouble Sleeping

Scott has a problem! He has worked Midnight Shift for years and has a hard time falling asleep after work, Sun is out and the body wants to stay awake. It may sound familiar.  So he has tried everything from A to Z and has found only Weed worked!  (cannabis)

Trouble Sleeping

Scott has a problem! He has worked Midnight Shift for years and has a hard time falling asleep after work, Sun is out and the body wants to stay awake.It may sound familiar.  So he has tried everything from A to Z and has found only Weed worked!  (cannabis) So Scott makes sure he always has a Strong Indica….. but occasionally he goes to his perfect jar of indica and realises…… OMG! I do not have enough and it is 10am! Back in the old days he would have 0 hope! Ever heard of a pot dealer working at 10am?

Details what i like

So Scott makes sure he always has a Strong Indica….. but occasionally he goes to his perfect jar of indica and realises…… OMG! I do not have enough and it is 10am! Back in the old days he would have 0 hope! Ever heard of a pot dealer working at 10am?

Maybe you would find one at the skatepark if you were lucky! Good thing GrassRoots Cannabis Store is always open! There is no sweat and no stress on Scotts end because he knows his neighborhood Cannabis Store is open early!




Can’t sleep, going out or just need to get high we are open till 10pm Monday thru Sunday

.Online Store | GrassRoots Cannabis Store (

Best Strain for Sleep: 10 to Consider, Plus Tips for Use (