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Black Sugar Rose by Color Cannabis-10x.35g

black sugar rose

Unleash the Musky, Earthy Flavors of Black Sugar Rose by Color Cannabis

If you’re looking for a high-quality pre-roll joint that delivers a unique and satisfying smoking experience, look no further than Black Sugar Rose by Color Cannabis. This indica-dominant hybrid is a cross between cultivars Critical Mass and Black Domina, and it offers a musky, earthy, and floral aroma that is sure to please the palate.

Terpene Profile

One of the standout features of Black Sugar Rose is its unique flavor profile. The buds are trichome-coated and feature loud pink hairs, and the aroma is a delightful blend of musky, earthy and floral notes. This combination of flavors is sure to please the palate and leave a lasting impression. Additionally, the buds are high in beta-caryophyllene, myrcene and limonene, which are terpenes that are known for their relaxing and sedative properties.


Another great thing about Black Sugar Rose by Color Cannabis is that it’s available in pre-rolls that are perfectly packed with gently milled flower, not trim or shake, to ensure each pre-roll contains the freshest and most flavorful cannabis possible. The flower used in the pre-rolls is harvested with care, dried naturally, gently milled and then packed into the perfect size pre-roll. Each unit comes with single size pre-rolls with strong THC potency potential.

black sugar rose

GR Family

So if you’re looking for a high-quality, flavorful pre-roll that delivers a satisfying and potent smoking experience, look no further than Black Sugar Rose by Color Cannabis. You can find this product at Grassroots Cannabis online or in-store, and enjoy the relaxing effects of the black sugar rose strain. And don’t forget the keywords: sugar rose de color cannabis, color me cannabis, black sugar rose strain effects.

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